sheepfarmer - Offline
The Essentials
Last Seen: Mar. 13, 2025
Joined: Mar 06, 2024
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Location: Canterbury, NZ
Interested In: Men
Height: 6 ft. 5 in. /195.58 cm.
Weight: 190 lbs.
Race/Ethnicity: White
About Me
Sons/dads/dads and sons. In every relationship there must be a dominant partner and a submissive partner. Sean Connery once said, a good slap is often needed to bring them into line, and I agree with him.

I am a gentleman, be the type of boy that appeals to a gentleman.

Very loving and very generous! With all the sexual identifying options I have found one that I identify with - I am a gay identifying pansexual dominant top bear. Not sure if we have a flag though.

I am happy to discuss real experiences but overall, find sex chat rather dull. Why talk about it when you can do it.

50 something sheep farmer. Dad and granddad, keen to meet some young dads. Young slightly Fem is cool too.

Farmer, Veterinary surgeon and Pagan.

Education & Work
Education: Monash University, Melbourne
Massey University, NZ
Employer: Always been self employed or employed by my dad
Religion: Pagan, Grey Witch practitioner
Political Views: Centre-Right
Favorite Quotes: “And into the field, I go to lose my mind and find my soul.”

A good farmer always gets the job done..

“I don’t think there is anything particularly wrong about hitting a woman, although I don’t recommend doing it in the same way that you’d hit a man.” He added that an “openedhanded slap” is “justified” if “all other alternatives fail and there has been plenty of warning,” and further said, “If a woman is a bitch, or hysterical, or bloody-minded continually, then I’d do it.” Sir Sean Connery.

Arts & Entertainment
Books: Classics and biographies
Movies: Anything based on fact or historical drama
Television: Historical drama - ie: Downton Abbey, Upstairs, Downstairs, Call the Midwife
Music: 1970s and 80s disco
Games: Backgammon, scrabble, any board games
Favortie Sports: Rugby - I played semiprofessional in my younger years
Favorite Teams: All Blacks
Black Ferns
Black Caps
Activites & Interests
Interests: Farming, spending time with my family/friends,
Activities: Hunting
Horse Riding

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